Thursday, October 13, 2016

Hannah's Summer of Granting Wishes!

Written by: Hannah Hartlieb - PC 14

Before entering college I wasn’t set on what I wanted to do with my life. Although there was one thing of which I was certain; I knew that I wanted to find a career that would allow me to somehow better the lives of others. After losing my mother to cancer my freshman year, my desire to help others was reaffirmed. The only mystery left to solve was how to go about turning that desire into a reality. Entering my sophomore year of college I narrowed my focus to one main goal; to earn a fulfilling job within the non-profit sector. I did my research and decided that the mission of the Make-A-Wish Foundation was something that I wanted to be a part of. I had no idea that the opportunities I have had working with the organization would end up having such a powerful impact on me. 
I had been stressing about finding an internship for most of the spring semester; not because I wasn’t applying to enough places, but because the only job I really wanted was with Make-A-Wish Arizona. A branch from the National/International organization as a whole, the Arizona chapter is where the foundation was founded, and it's where the magic began. Loving what they stand for, I wanted so badly to play a role in making wishes come true, even if it were a small one. 

I vividly remember getting the call from my supervisor offering me the position of the Volunteer Services Intern for the summer semester and feeling like I had just become a part of something so much bigger than myself. It was a quick turnaround. I had two weeks to take my finals, move out of school, book flights to Phoenix, find a place to live, and move my life across the country. But what is life without a little challenge and spontaneity, right? As I packed my life into two suitcases and boarded a flight out west for the summer, I was anxious, excited, and totally unprepared for how much my life was about to change.

Pictured: Hannah Hartlieb and Linda Pauling. Pauling's son was the inspiration that founded the organization, Make a Wish.
The next three months were nothing short of rewarding and incredible. I was able to learn from an extraordinary group of people in a special kind of workplace. My experience consisted of countless learning opportunities from talented professionals who truly sought to carry out the Make-A-Wish mission every single day. I grew both professionally and personally as I interacted with wish families and volunteers from around the state. I learned firsthand that if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.

For the first time in my life I felt certain that I was exactly where I was supposed to be, doing exactly what I was meant to be doing. It made me learn the value of finding a career that allows you to have a T.G.I.M., “Thank God it’s Monday”, mentality, because I get to do something I love. As my internship came to a close, I headed back to the Midwest with new friendships, a valuable network of professionals who care about me, and a true confidence in what I want to do for the rest of my life. While I wish I could relive this summer again, I feel extremely grateful to have had an experience like this of which I miss so much already. I am excited to see where it'll take me next!