Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Cam Patton: the new Panhellenic Vice President of Public Relations

Written by: Cam Patton - PC 13
Pictured Right 

By junior year, most sorority women have met their best friends in their chapter, but what many do not realize is that life as a Panhellenic woman doesn’t just stop there. After being a Panhellenic Counselor this past summer, I realized just how much Greek Life at Mizzou has to offer first, second, third, and even fourth year students. A lot of people associate Greek Life with making long lasting friendships, but sisterhood only encompasses one single value of being a Panhellenic woman. Being a disaffiliated Panhellenic woman this summer, I made it my duty to help other women find a chapter that best suited them. Often throughout the recruitment process I would speak to potential new members who were having a tough time choosing between chapters. I’d often ask them, “Well, who do you want to be in a year? What things will you value in two years? What kind of college student do you want to be in three years?” I’d ask these questions because they were so important, and I finally realized that Greek Life at Mizzou is about so many things. It’s about sisterhood, it’s about scholarship, it’s about leadership, and it is absolutely about service. Being a Panhellenic Counselor this summer made me realize that the same question I’d ask my potential new members could be asked of me as well. What kind of Panhellenic woman did I want to be in a year? Or two? Or even three? I wanted to be the kind who could make a difference. Everyday my sisters push me to be a strong, dedicated leader and it is with their help and encouragement that I decided to pursue a position as VP of Public Relations for the Panhellenic Association’s Executive Board. I am passionate about Greek Life because all of the opportunities and experiences I have had as a result of being a Greek woman, and cannot wait to give back to the organization that has given me so much.