Monday, May 12, 2014

Five Tips for Successful Finals

It’s the last week of the semester, which means finals are underway. Here are some tips on how to finish out the semester strong.
1. Start studying early
It takes a long time to study for finals. If you start earlier, then you can study some each day instead of cramming the day before. This will help you be more prepared and less stressed for the exam.
2. Make study guides
Cumulative finals will have material on them from the first week of the semester, which you have probably forgotten at this point. Making a study guide will make you go through your old notes and think about which information is most important and what concepts go together. Making a study guide not only makes your notes cleaner to study later, but it is a good study method in itself.
3. Study in a good environment
Everyone likes to study in different places. Wherever you go to study, make sure that it is somewhere away from distractions, so that you can concentrate.
4. Study with sisters
Before you take a test, study with other people in that class. They might be able to explain concepts to you and talking it over with a friend is a great way to see what you still need to look over more.
5. Manage your time
Schedule out your time well, so that you make sure you give each class the attention it needs.
Good luck studying for finals. Keep working hard to finish out the semester well!